Kernel 5.19.0 on Ubuntu 22.04

MR ZenWiz mrzenwiz at
Wed Mar 22 20:17:37 UTC 2023

On Wed, Mar 22, 2023 at 10:45 AM Liam Proven <lproven at> wrote:
> On Wed, 22 Mar 2023 at 16:29, Jose Luis Alarcon Sanchez
> <jlalarcon at> wrote:
> >
> > I want to ask in the list what is the purpose or sense that kernel 5.19
> > has been included in the LTS Jammy Jellyfish.
> It used to be called the HWE stack, for Hardware Enablement.
I decided I wanted the 5.19 kernel for a number of reasons, and when I
ran the usual LTS update (I run Xubuntu22.04.2), it did not show up.

I enabled it via installing the HWE kernel (' sudo apt install
--install-recommends linux-generic-hwe-22.04').

I was quite delighted to find it came up without any issues, I have
yet to see one, and the whole system runs quite a bit faster - visibly
so. FTR, I run a home-built Ryzen 9 5950X with 32Gb RAM on an ASUS
570X mobo. I chose this because I do a fair amount of video
conversions and occasional editing, primarily with ffmpeg, and even
that runs slightly faster.

I have occasionally timed the boot sequence on my machine from the
boot beep to the login screen. It used to run around 40-46 seconds. It
is now 30-35 seconds.

I did not need the new kernel per se, I just really like the speed better.

Just my $0.02...

Mark Richter, Lead Software Engineer
Award-winning Author, "Mystic Prince"
Avid Xubuntu user/admin/fan
Registered Linux User #472807

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