Printer install problem

Bill bstanle at
Thu Jul 27 00:55:38 UTC 2023

On 2023-07-26 17:14, Peter Flynn wrote:
> On 26/07/2023 16:09, Bill wrote:
>> WS=> I tried that already.  I visited that website, downloaded, 
>> installed and ran as the website instructed.  I did this all
>> yesterday without any results.  The printer queue says that the test
>> file (a simple 10 character text file) was pending.  sometimes a
>> popup window said that there was a connection problem.  I tried other
>> printer cables with the same results.  I am willing to try again as
>> you suggested.
> I'm afraid at that point I run out of ideas.
>> bill at Aragorn:~$ lsusb -v | grep -A 3 bInterfaceClass.*7
>> Couldn't open device, some information will be missing 
> USB ports with no device connected will return this, I think.
> But it looks very much as if it has not connected to the printer at all.
> See all of them with lsusb -v | grep -A 3 InterfaceClass
> Peter
WS=> Thanks for trying!

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