Ubuntu installers?

Peter Flynn peter at silmaril.ie
Tue Jan 10 16:05:13 UTC 2023

On 10/01/2023 14:23, M. Fioretti wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 10, 2023 12:00:11 PM +0100, Oliver Grawert wrote:
>>> What I am actually sick and tired about is this: that I have to use,
>>> every year more frequently and in ADDITION to snap, flatpak and what
>>> not:
>>> Cpan to install Perl code, pip to install Python code, gem to install
>>> Ruby code, nodejs for JavaScript and so on.
>> are you aware that this last paragraph actually makes you a developer
>> and not a user ?

This illustrates what developers don't understand: simply to *use* (eg 
download and run) some software written in Perl, Python, or Ruby, you 
sometimes need to install the various add-ons that the authors already 
have installed, but the end-users don't.

That should not be a problem, but I can see that it would cause 
difficulties for the end-user, because sometimes these utilities require 
packages in their language that are either unavailable (ie not in the 
repos) or which conflict with the base language as installed by the OS.

> Are you aware that your distinction between user and developer is not
> realistic? 

That's because it's almost impossible to use Linux as an end-user 
without having to learn more of the ecosystem than (for example) an 
end-user of Mac OS X or Windows would have to. I'm not saying this is 
right or wrong, merely a fact. But learning about the ecosystem 
surrounding your OS does not make you a programmer or developer. The 
distinction *is* realistic, but not to the same degree as on other OSs.


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