Ubuntu installers?

Little Girl littlergirl at gmail.com
Mon Jan 9 19:03:06 UTC 2023

Hey there,

Oliver Grawert wrote:
>Little Girl wrote:
>> Owen Thomas wrote:
>> > with the hope that users generally will coalesce around Snap as
>> > the universal format.
>> I really, really hope that that doesn't happen and that any other
>> package management system is chosen (I'm crossing all of my fingers
>> and toes and knocking on wood over here).
>heh, i really wonder how the discussion got to this point,

I'm just surprised it took this long for someone to pounce on my

>if you look at our actual reality today coice has severely

This wasn't about whether choice has improved, but about how many
choices there are and how navigating in that kind of environment can
be annoying, frustrating, and confusing for newcomers and old-timers
alike, especially when it comes to conflicting documentation or live

>snapd is opensource under GPLv3, the code is at [1] and everyone can
>contribute to help fixing their most glaring issues, feel free ... 

>canonical is hiring like crazy ATM (again, feel free to apply :) )

I find it ironic that you actually used both of the above statements
as part of your defense of Snaps.

>and the situation will improve eventually once the teams grew to also
>handle the less prioritized bugs and issues, in the mean time the
>above applies, comminty contributions are always welcome to speed up
>fixing of bugs and issues ...

My point exactly. Something that's in an incomplete state and in need
of help before it can do something about that shouldn't be used by
default, but it is. There's something wrong with that in my little

>along with that, the ubuntu desktop team has grown a snap team that
>works on desktopish issues of snaps and IMHO this is very noticeable
>over the last two years (i.e. themeing, font issues, startup time and
>whatnot have all been fixed).

My interest, as an end-user, is in what hasn't been done.

>so summarizing the above, choice is widening and not shrinking, snaps
>will not go away but improve with every commit to the code ...

I just wish they would go away in all of the flavors except for the
UbuntuCore flavor you mentioned below. I'm sure they have their uses,
but using them should be a choice. What's disturbing is the fact
that they're part of a default Ubuntu (Kubuntu in my case)
installation and that I'm affected by them.

>and there is no intention to make them replace debs or the ubuntu

This is very good news.

>(even though there will be an additional UbuntuCore (and thus 100%
>snap based) desktop flavour in the future, all these snaps use deb
>packags to be built)

As long as it remains an optional flavor that we can choose not to
use, I'm all for it. Choice is a good thing.

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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