Ubuntu installers?

Ralf Mardorf kde.lists at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 9 17:47:38 UTC 2023

On Mon, 2023-01-09 at 12:53 +0100, Oliver Grawert wrote:
> (you really need that glaring bug fixed that might stall your cooling
> turbine in that nuclear power-plant your companys product is used in
> before you go into production ;)


if ancillary industries in this domain and/or nuclear power plants
depend on updates by snaps downloaded from a snap store by an Internet
connection, it's one more reason to be against nuclear power plants.

1. Internet access shouldn't exist at all in such companies, as well as
nuclear power plants, at least not for the production environments or
control systems. Maybe the snaps will be transported in black suitcases
and not over the internet.

2. This is a domain that should only use software that is checked by
teams of specialists in this domain.

3. For less hot potato (or should I say for less hot nuclear fuel rod)
domains super longterm support by fulfilling certified standards
(c e r t i f i e d   s t a n d a r d s) is the way to go, see

https://wiki.linuxfoundation.org/civilinfrastructureplatform/start .

I doubt that those standards allow for something like snap. I might be
mistaken, maybe the Civil Infrastructure Platform does provide snaps for
your nuclear power-plant cooling turbine. OTOH maybe you just talk
pretty big to make the meaning of snap bigger than it is or can be.


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