Ubuntu installers?

ubuntu at howorth.org.uk ubuntu at howorth.org.uk
Mon Jan 9 15:25:05 UTC 2023

lproven at gmail.com wrote:
> [1] Make the medium holding the installed OS much tougher
> [2] Add multi-level "undo" to packaging operations.
> Answers to #1 include make the partition read-only, which is called an
> immutable OS.
> Answers to #2 mean packaging tools that are isolated, don't touch the
> OS, can be versioned, so a program can say "version 4.26 didn't work,
> and version 4.24 didn't work, so I will go back to version 4.22."

At the risk of muddying the waters, just to say that Perl has had a
very good version management system for many years, that can handle
multiple different installed versions of things and different
resolutions for different processes etc etc. It might be worth seeing
what can be learnt from that mechanism.

(aside: I'm always amazed how long it took to rediscover the features
that were in 1960s mainframe OS. People keep repeating the same
mistakes and discoveries)


> It is about getting from London to Dusseldorf via 3 trains, 6
> motorways, a tunnel and an aeroplane, and you keep complaining that
> the taxi to the station is the wrong colour.

Surely the trip to the station is made by bicycle not by taxi? And it's
the colour of the bikeshed that is the major issue :)

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