Installing an OS over the existing OS

Liam Proven lproven at
Thu Feb 23 17:53:28 UTC 2023

On Thu, 23 Feb 2023 at 05:20, Phil <phillor9 at> wrote:
> The Tosheba A100 will not boot from USB and this seems to be a common
> problem with this model.

But I think you said that USB shows up as an option in the BIOS setup menu?

If it's there, *it can do it.*

You just need to find out the limitations of what media it supports.
It may be USB 1 only, or a maximum size, or something.

Secondly, as I said, the Plop boot manager will do it, and that is one
of the main things I used it for.

> I managed to get Debian 11 installed by transplanting the HDD to a
> working laptop.

I recommend Raspberry Pi Desktop as a very low-end Linux desktop for
32-bit machines now.

This is the x86-32 version of the  OS for the RasPi single-board computers.

It *is* Debian but heavily cut down.

> Unfortunately, the A100 suffers from the Intel micro
> code bug

Which bug is that?

Have you checked that you are on the  latest BIOS? It seems to be v5.60:

Liam Proven ~ Profile:
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