update & upgrade error/fail

Little Girl littlergirl at gmail.com
Tue Feb 7 17:11:54 UTC 2023

Hey there,

Grizzly via ubuntu-users wrote:
>Little Girl wrote:

>>I'm sorry about that. What was the result of the check in the new

>After the fresh install /etc/apt/preferences was empty

That's good news.

>I have since installed Wine(8.1) & WaterFox_G5, (to my supprise VLC
>was in teh minimal install so no need to do that myself) I also
>removed Snap, so I will have to recheck

I'd be curious to see if that file returned after doing that.

>I spent a few days going mad, as for some reason one of my drives
>"seems" to play with me, at just after boot I can access files, a
>little later I can see them in Files or via ls but they would not do
>anything i.e

I agree with Aaron that that's either a big red flag that the drive
is failing or that you should, at the very least, treat that drive
with full suspicion for now, not using it for anything that matters.

Your mention of going into Windows on that drive as something that
works fine makes me wonder if there's not something that got messed
up in the installation of Windows. I haven't put Windows on a drive
that's shared with Ubuntu in many years, but I seem to remember that
Windows used to try to use or overwrite parts of the drive for itself
(stomping on Ubuntu as a result) and that that was a problem that had
to be delicately overcome when dual booting.

>>I'm glad it's at least working again even if the mystery wasn't
>>fully solved.

>lets hope it does not happen again !!


Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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