update & upgrade error/fail

Aaron Rainbolt arraybolt3 at ubuntu.com
Tue Feb 7 08:04:02 UTC 2023

On 2/7/23 01:35, Grizzly via ubuntu-users wrote:
> 06 February 2023  at 17:50, Little Girl wrote:
> Re: update & upgrade error/fail (at least in part)
>> Hey there,
>> Grizzly via ubuntu-users wrote:
>>> Little Girl wrote:
>>> I tried to see "if" the recovery option on boot "may" be able to
>>> correct the error but even that returned the same error (Well check
>>> fs aborted, fix broken pkgs gave the pin zero thing)
>> Interesting.
>>>> Also, did you look inside it?
>>> I did before deleting it, but it gave (me) no insight, I do remember
>>> the pin number was -10
>> Apparently, a negative pin-value will prevent any updates, so Snap
>> was pretty well shackled:
>> https://askubuntu.com/questions/75895/how-to-forbid-a-specific-package-to-be-installed
>>>> sudo apt update
>>> that cmmand is one of the commands that give the error
>> Ouch.
>>> I did give up and have re-installed the system, I will check if the
>>> snapd file is in /etc/apt/preferences
>> I'm sorry about that. What was the result of the check in the new
>> system?
> After the fresh install /etc/apt/preferences was empty
> I have since installed Wine(8.1) & WaterFox_G5, (to my supprise VLC was in teh
> minimal install so no need to do that myself) I also removed Snap, so I will
> have to recheck
> I spent a few days going mad, as for some reason one of my drives "seems" to
> play with me, at just after boot I can access files, a little later I can see
> them in Files or via ls but they would not do anything i.e
> I have a local home search page "BigSearch,htm" that I set as home in WaterFox,
> after a boot it showed fine later it showed page not found (or reverted to
> WaterFox home), When I tried to view the text in BigSearch.htm it reported
> "file not ready" the same if I tried to open via WaterFox
> that was not the worst error, I also had my email app on that drive, that would
> only start once but complained the user I was trying to be did not exist, after
> that it did not even start
> for now I have moved those files to my /home/user and all works as expected

May I suggest that you buy a new drive and use the old one as a 
paperweight. :) Sounds like a case of drive failure to me, and you do 
*not* want to keep using that drive for anything important.

Glad to hear you got the files off - if there's any other files on there 
you haven't gotten off yet, please, get them backed up ASAP.

>>> for now I seem to be back to (close to) where I was before the error
>>> came to visit.
>> That's always good news.
>>> I do thank you for the help so far, but not been able to
>>> update/upgrade and hence install anything new made the system pretty
>>> useless (to me)
>> I know the feeling. I'm glad it's at least working again even if the
>> mystery wasn't fully solved.
> lets hope it does not happen again !!
Aaron Rainbolt
Lubuntu Developer
@arraybolt3:lubuntu.me on Matrix, arraybolt3 on irc.libera.chat

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