update & upgrade error/fail

Grizzly Real_Grizz_Adams at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Feb 5 07:39:24 UTC 2023

04 February 2023  at 7:40, Little Girl wrote:
Re: update & upgrade error/fail (at least in part)


>Grizzly via ubuntu-users wrote:

>Before you do anything else, can you restore it (is it still inside
>your trash)? If so, please do that and move it to a safe place. We
>haven't established for certain that it's the cause of the issue.

I tried to see "if" the recovery option on boot "may" be able to correct the 
error but even that returned the same error (Well check fs aborted, fix broken 
pkgs gave the pin zero thing)

>Also, did you look inside it?

I did before deleting it, but it gave (me) no insight, I do remember the pin 
number was -10

>Last, but not least, did you run this command before trying to
>update/upgrade? It should always be run any time you change your
>/etc/apt/sources.list or /etc/apt/preferences files and before
>updating or upgrading. It lets apt take a good look around and see
>what the current set-up is:

>sudo apt update

that cmmand is one of the commands that give the error

I did give up and have re-installed the system, I will check if the snapd file 
is in /etc/apt/preferences

for now I seem to be back to (close to) where I was before the error came to 

I do thank you for the help so far, but not been able to update/upgrade and 
hence install anything new made the system pretty useless (to me)

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