update & upgrade error/fail

Grizzly Real_Grizz_Adams at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Feb 3 07:09:26 UTC 2023

02 February 2023  at 14:29, Little Girl wrote:
Re: update & upgrade error/fail (at least in part)

>Hey there,
>Grizzly via ubuntu-users wrote:
>>Little Girl wrote:
>>>Are there any files in your /etc/apt/preferences.d/ directory?
>>one snap.d
>I'm curious, as Oliver is, as to what's inside that file.
>Also, did you ever try to prevent Snap from updating or from
>installing at all? This may be a remnant of that.
>If there's nothing that you currently want to do to control Snap in
>some way, this would probably be solved by moving that file out of
>that directory (I wouldn't delete it, but put it somewhere else just
>in case you need to restore it for some reason).

As I don't have snap I did remove it (yeh I know moving was a better option 
but...) but no change, still cant update/upgrade either from term or gui

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