Firefox printing does not work in 22.04

Grizzlly Real_Grizz_Adams at
Sat Dec 16 07:08:10 UTC 2023

Saturday, December 16, 2023  at 1:25, Josef Wolf wrote:
Re: Firefox printing does not work  (at least in part)

If you remove snap you will lose any app that is only available via snap, AFAIK 
Firefox is available other ways, it has been discused in depth many times 
(maybe search the achives for details). 

$ snap list

then check if you can get anything you must have another way, here it was easy 
as I started from my fresh install (IIRC 18.04), I didn't want snap, so I 
removed it, I didn't want FF anyway so it was the first thing to go, (in your 
case export settings/profile first)

After I was snap free, a reboot, recheck, then I install WaterFox, it accepts 
all (AFAIK) the plug-ins & add-ons from FF, it took my FF settings from a 
Windows PC (32bit so no WaterFox), since then I have upgraded each 
20.04->22.04->23.10 (23.10 duel boots with 22.04 & Win7) and no sign of snap 
commng back ;->)

>You have a method to remove snap without loosing firefix/chrome etc/pp?

>Please tell me how to do that!

Do the checks then decide

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