Cloud image ova for 20.04

Tommy Trussell tommy.trussell at
Thu Aug 31 17:29:33 UTC 2023

On Wed, Aug 30, 2023 at 7:04 AM Jerry Geis <jerry.geis at> wrote:

> I downloaded:
> for vmware I did :
> File, open, browse to the ova above, and booted it.
> I get a login prompt
> I tried ubuntu, ubuntu and ubuntu as password
> What did I miss ? I thought just login ubuntu was the right login?

I know very little about this, but I followed the same steps you did, and
discovered the image has no password in it at all.

I believe you have a couple of options (maybe more!):

The first option seems to be to install libguestfs-tools package which
includes a virt-customize utility to customize the image to insert the
password into the root account. I started to do that, but when I saw the
utility has a lot of dependencies, I bailed. I tried the second (no other
utilities needed) option....

When the image is booting in VirtualBox, hold down your shift key to get
the GRUB menu.

Choose "Advanced Options for Ubuntu"
Choose "Ubuntu, ...  (recovery mode)"
In the Recovery Menu, Choose "root"

When you get to the root menu, use passwd to give root a password.

While you're there, you can go ahead and use adduser <username> to create a
regular user, too.

Now you can reboot, and your instance will have a root password and a
regular user account if you created one.

SOURCES (found using a popular search engine)
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