Comparison of zoom and jitsi request

Ralf Mardorf kde.lists at
Thu Aug 17 19:24:10 UTC 2023

On Thu, 2023-08-17 at 09:40 -0700, rikona wrote:
> I was forced [no choice] to use Zoom for a health-related issue.
> Shortly afterwards I started to get emails/txts about this EXACT issue.
> This issue was **NEVER** mentioned or hinted at in ANY other electronic
> communication EVER, except Zoom.

Data mining and AI:

Frighteningly, it could also be that you were looking for cucumbers,
strawberries, tables and car tires using an internet search engine at
that time you used Zoom. Other people were also looking for cucumbers,
strawberries, tables and car tires using this internet search engines at
this time, but they were also interested in finding out more about
sniffles. Since you use an unusual window size for your browser window,
another organization that has nothing to do with Zoom knew immediately
that you also have a cold and who you are.

It's even worse that the result of the data evaluation revealed that
people who are interested in cucumbers, strawberries, tables and car
tires and also suffered from a cold at least once in their live are
known to to steal towels from hotels. You will probably never be able to
rent a hotel room again, even if you never ever would steal a towel.

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