Comparison of zoom and jitsi request

rikona rikona at
Thu Aug 17 16:40:05 UTC 2023

On Thu, 17 Aug 2023 13:37:37 +0200
Gilles Gravier <ggravier at> wrote:

> Le 17/08/2023 à 12:12, Ralf Mardorf via ubuntu-users a écrit :
> > On Thu, 2023-08-17 at 11:05 +0200, Gilles Gravier wrote:  
> >> Zoom is the only system I know that lets me select where my data
> >> at rest is... USA or EEA. I have selected EEA of course.  
> >
> > it doesn't matter, the data gets collected for misuse and nothing
> > else.  
> That's a super biased and restrictive ("and nothing else") statement. 
> I'll stop answering here.
> Enjoy whatever software you use.

I was forced [no choice] to use Zoom for a health-related issue.
Shortly afterwards I started to get emails/txts about this EXACT issue.
This issue was **NEVER** mentioned or hinted at in ANY other electronic
communication EVER, except Zoom.

Gee - I wonder how that happened. I also wonder how much $$ Zoom got
selling that info to others. Other examples too, but not as clear as
this one. For me, Zoom is completely untrustworthy. Don't trust them
with anything. But that is of course my super biased view and should be


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