GRUB questions

Grizzly Real_Grizz_Adams at
Wed Aug 16 05:42:52 UTC 2023

Tuesday, August 15, 2023  at 23:54, Bill wrote:
GRUB questions (at least in part)

>I have some questions about grub.  I have used dual boot without any 
>problems for quite a bit of time but recently some questions have 
>cropped up.


>1. Can grub handle more than two hard drives?

I have three hard drives (Win7, 22.04.3, 23.04.1 (2?)), grub offers all OS's at 
boot, but Win7 does not run well (odd hangs) from grub, so I use F11 to get a 
boot menu for any serious Win7 session (which hangs less often this way)

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