Installing Windows from Ubuntu

Bret Busby bret at
Sat Apr 29 14:07:16 UTC 2023

On 29/4/23 21:02, Liam Proven wrote:
> On Sat, 29 Apr 2023 at 02:40, Patrick Pletcher via ubuntu-users
> <ubuntu-users at> wrote:
>> Hi, I have been trying to install Windows from Ubuntu.
> Non trivial but not hard.
>>   They say I need to format the USB in NTFS format.
> Alert! This is a warning sign. You are being scammed.

An official iso file for MS Windows 10 is available from a link that 
Liam has previously posted to the list.

The iso file is an installable, not a Live iso.

The iso file can be downloaded and saved to the user's Linux system HDD 
(formatted as ext4), from whence, it can be copied to a Ventoy drive, 
which is formatted as a Ventoy drive is formatted. This procedure has 
previously been mentioned on this mailing list.

I have a copy of the official MS Windows 10 iso, written to my Ventoy 
drive, and, the MS Windows iso loads okay to prepare for installation.

I recommend that any person who wants to install or run different 
operating systems, create a Ventoy drive, and, copy applicable iso files 
to the Ventoy drive.

On my 32GB Ventoy drive, I have various versions of Ubuntu Linux,of 
Linux Mint Mate, of the MS Windows 10 iso (I have one copy of that), 
and, I have two iso files (one XFCE and one Mate) of GhostBSD and IO 
have Midnight BSD 3.0.1 . At one stage, I had 10 operating system iso 
files on the Ventoy drive.

See for 
information about what is a Ventoy drive.

Bret Busby
West Australia

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