22.04 LTS with virt-manager and arm64

Liam Proven lproven at gmail.com
Fri Apr 14 17:52:16 UTC 2023

On Thu, 13 Apr 2023 at 15:59, Jerry Geis <jerry.geis at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Liam,
> Certainly not trying to waste anyone's time. Appreciate your thoughts.
> I am trying to use a RP-4 computer module system.  I took the rasp img put on the micro sd card and the booted in the hardware.

So far, so good.

> I "desired" to emulate that image on my x86 host

You are using the wrong words but I think I follow.

You don't want to emulate the image. That's like saying you have a
car, and you want to drive the tarmac.

You would need to emulate a RasPi. That's what's needed to run a RasPi OS image.

But I don't think there is one. It's a very complex little machine.
It's not easy.

I could be wrong but AFAIK you can't.

> - virt-manager did not seem to boot it.

No, it won't.

> I was "hoping" to emulate the system

Then you need a whole computer emulator. The RasPi is not a PC and is
nothing like a PC. It is not at all a typical ARM computer, either, as
Ogra says.

> - and setup teh DISK image like a want/need and so I can just copy the image to and SD cards as I need.

Not gonna happen.

> I downloaded olivers suggested image - and that boots in virt-manager - but have not had a chance to "try" that on the SD card if it will actually run on RP-4 compute module.

It won't.

You can emulate a faily vanilla Arm setup in QEMU but it won't run on
a Pi, and a Pi OS won't run on it.

> I was just thinking that the Rasp image  I started with would emulate on virt-manager - surprised it does not.

Why would you think that?  On what basis?

> Thanks all - I have more micro SD cards on order - will try the other image then.

You can't run an Arm OS intended for a normal ARM computer, say an Ampere box:


On a Pi.

Any more than you can take Windows 95 and run it on an Intel Mac. Or
Acorn RISC OS from 1987 and run it on an M1 Mac.

Liam Proven ~ Profile: https://about.me/liamproven
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