22.04 LTS with virt-manager and arm64

Oliver Grawert ogra at ubuntu.com
Fri Apr 14 07:17:15 UTC 2023

Am Donnerstag, dem 13.04.2023 um 10:57 -0400 schrieb Jerry Geis:
> I downloaded olivers suggested image - and that boots in virt-manager
> - but have not had a chance to "try" that on the SD card if it will
> actually run on RP-4 compute module. 

no, don't bother, it will not boot on the Pi ... while the userspace is
identical, the boot setup and kernel are not, the standard server image
uses UEFI to boot, the Pi image uses the GPU driver as bootloader as
described before ... 

the server kernel is a generic arm64 kernel that can boot a lot of
boards/machines (but not the pi), the pi image uses a pi specific
kernel using all the pi foundation patches on top of the ubuntu kernel
surce. both can only work on their targeted hardware.

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