The latest update disabled my keyboard

Ralf Mardorf kde.lists at
Wed Sep 28 15:14:01 UTC 2022

On Wed, 2022-09-28 at 10:10 -0400, Bo Berglund wrote:
> So can it be used to repair a broken system by mounting its file system like
> this and running apt against it?

PS: systemd-nspawn doesn't mount the other Linux install. You first need
to mount it using either "mount" by CLI or what ever else you usually
use to mount a partition, maybe a file manager that depends on gvfs
*shudder*. After mounting "the" file system systemd-nspawen can use the
mount point.

I wrote a script named lmount to mount by label. Once the Linux is
mounted, you can either use systemd-nspawn's "-D" option or cd into the

[root at archlinux rocketmouse]# lmount -w moonstudio 
[root at archlinux rocketmouse]# systemd-nspawn -qD /mnt/moonstudio/ lsb_release -dr
Description:	Ubuntu 16.04.7 LTS
Release:	16.04
[root at archlinux rocketmouse]# cd /mnt/moonstudio/
[root at archlinux moonstudio]# systemd-nspawn -q lsb_release -dr 
Description:	Ubuntu 16.04.7 LTS
Release:	16.04

Note: The complete Ubuntu install on my machine is one a single
partition. I don't know if

  systemd-nspawn -q command

does work, if the Ubutu install is on several different partitions, e.g.
one for /bin, another for /var and anything else is is located in /.

Maybe it only works if you use the "-b"oot option

  systemd-nspawn -qb

but I don't know what partition is required to use the "-b" option, if
the install is separated in several partitions.

>From the Arch Linux's man page:

"-b, --boot
           Automatically search for an init program and invoke it as PID 1"

For Ubuntu it's probably the one that holds /lib/systemd/systemd.

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