Firefox snap updates for non-technical users

Little Girl littlergirl at
Thu Sep 1 17:28:25 UTC 2022

Hey there,

Oliver Grawert wrote:
>Am Donnerstag, dem 01.09.2022 um 08:20 -0400 schrieb Little Girl:

>> close Firefox, nothing happens unless it's time for a scheduled
>> "refresh" of Snap, so I always choose to manually induce a refresh
>> and get it over with.
>it helps to develop some level of ignorance towards these
>notifications (until the UX is actually fixed indeed) ... 

I see.

>it is good to keep in mind that you have 60 days once the
>notifications start rolling in, so there is no reason to "obey" to
>them immediately or some such, you can just do a manual snap refresh
>at a convenient time within the next 60 days ...

It will nag you repeatedly if you don't do it and I'd rather not be
nagged. It's also not a good idea to put off updates since any of
them could be important security updates.

>the switch to the snap was done on mozillas request and it freed up a
>full time developer in the desktop team who all of a sudden only has
>to watch one snap instead of five debs on six different supported
>ubuntu releases (with different libs, different compiler toolchains
>and different build errors in each of them), the switch has
>effectively massively improved the desktop itself because all of a
>sudden there is time to look at long standing other pieces that had
>to be postponed in the past due to lack of manpower.

That's great for them, but it came at the price of the confusion and
frustration of the users. I hope they've learned something from
this and decided that it wasn't worth it to them, because this is not
what most people would recognize as value for value. Perhaps they
could aim for that next time so everybody can win.

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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