Firefox snap updates for non-technical users

Ralf Mardorf kde.lists at
Thu Sep 1 17:23:43 UTC 2022

On Thu, 2022-09-01 at 11:51 -0500, Keith wrote:
> Although now I believe the duration has been increased to 90 days
> before a forced update occurs for any and all snaps that have updates
> available.


snaps are becoming increasingly unsympathetic to me.

For graphic artwork, photo editing, DTP, writing, audio recordings etc.
it could be important to stay with software versions that are known to
work during a production, that might take longer than 90 days. It's way
to risky to update such software, since important things could break and
once data was transformed to work with a new software version, it might
be impossible to use the data after downgrading. Yes, downgrading the
software and restoring the data from a backup is possible, but it does
waste a lot of time. Maybe even downgrading doesn't work, if upgrades
are enforced.

The reason to be in favour of a long term support release model over a
rolling release are exactly this and similar scenarios.

What's the rational behind an LTS with snaps?

I'm not per se against a rolling release, my main Linux install is Arch
Linux, but I also like release model distros, especially LTS releases
for very good reasons/for different purposes.


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