How do I get a realtek wifi dongle to work

Bret Busby bret at
Thu Oct 27 21:18:49 UTC 2022

On 27/10/22 20:02, Bret Busby wrote:
> On 27/10/22 19:48, Oliver Grawert wrote:
>> hi,
>> Am Donnerstag, dem 27.10.2022 um 19:26 +0800 schrieb Bret Busby:
>>> On 27/10/22 18:36, Oliver Grawert wrote:
>>>> hi,
>>>> Am Donnerstag, dem 27.10.2022 um 08:36 +0800 schrieb Bret Busby:
>>>>> Hello.
>>>>> I have a computer with a wifi dongle.
>>>> how about
>>>> ciao
>>>>          oli
>>> "With a temporary working internet connection"
>>> ?
>>> Catch-22
>> how about USB tethering through a mobile phone ?
>> ciao
>>     oli
> Ah.
> Me Australian.
>   Me not very bright.
> Thank you (hits head against wall....).
> Sometimes, we cannot see what is directly in front of us...

And, of course, using the USB tethering, did the job, and, it is all 
working now.

Thank you.

I have a feeling that I have been through this before, but, my short 
term memory is not so good.

Bret Busby
West Australia

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