print on both sides of paper--solved!

Douglas McGArrett dmcgarrett at
Wed Nov 9 03:30:19 UTC 2022

On 10/28/22 18:58, Douglas McGArrett wrote:
> Folks:
> System: Kubuntu 22.04
> For some unknown reason, the developers don't want the user to print 
> on both sides of paper, even if the file is a large one. It would seem 
> that
> the printer definition file, which shows both of my printers as "print 
> on one side" could fix that IF I could edit the file--but I can't. It 
> seems to be
> protected by something other than sudo. (Or su -)  Questions: am I 
> incorrect that the printer definition file controls this function, and 
> if so, how
> do I edit the file? (If there is another answer to the 2-sided 
> question, please point me to it. The internet answers seem utterly 
> complicated.)
> Thank you all--doug
On 11/5/22 17:47, Peter Flynn wrote:
> On 05/11/2022 20:38, Douglas McGArrett wrote:
Previous text omitted
> Peter
I finally found, after a lot of poking around, an official HP printers 
set-up. Perhaps I should have found it earlier, but nobody else reading 
here found it either,
and it's right in plain sight!

Go to the application launcher (at the lowest left corner of the 
display). Select All  Applications. Scroll down to HP Device Manager.. 
It will find your printers, just
as Ubuntu did, but it will give you some setup options, including 
printing on both sides.
Not quite as simple as that, in my case, since I have two HP OfficeJet 
printers, and due to previous attempts to make HPLIP function, the HP 
7740 was left
as the primary printer, and the HP6978 was left as a subsidiary. The 
setup set the 7740 to present the option for double-sided printing, but 
the 6978 (6970)
leaves me to futz around with the printing options to get to the 
opportunity to make it print on both sides. Annoying, but possible.

Thanx to all who have been reading here and contributing, especially 
Peter Flynn, for their patient answers to the question that Ubuntu 
should not have left
unanswered in its automatic setup routine.

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