User with uid 1001: who is this

Chris Green cl at
Fri Nov 4 10:03:06 UTC 2022

On Fri, Nov 04, 2022 at 09:27:03AM +0100, robert rottermann wrote:
> Hi there
> I have a folder on my Ubuntu 20.04 that has owner 1001 like so:
> drwxrwxrwx  8   1001 abacus    4096 Nov  3 14:44  if_fernuni/
> now I do not find any user with id 1001.
Well you won't! If there was a user with the UID 1001 then the name
would have been shown rather than 1001.

> Who/what is that user with uid 1001?
It's probably a user you have added to the system and then deleted,
the first user whose details you enter when installing Ubuntu gets UID
1000 and GID 1000.  Extra users added get UIDs/GIDs in sequence above

Depending on how the added user with UID 1001 was deleted their
directory under /home may stll be there, so 'ls /home' may tell you

Given that the GID above is 'abacus' there's a fair chance that the
user name was 'abacus'.

Chris Green

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