WINE - was - Re: Budget-priced Windows license

Grizzly Real_Grizz_Adams at
Tue May 24 11:08:42 UTC 2022

24 May 2022  at 18:49, Bret Busby wrote:
WINE - was - Re: Budget-priced Wind (at least in part)

>On 24/5/22 5:30 pm, Liam Proven wrote:
>> On Mon, 23 May 2022 at 15:34, Little Girl <littlergirl at> wrote:
>>> It was ratings like those that convinced me to stop using Wine.
>> It is a *lot* better than it used to be.
>> Which is why I wrote that article, in fact.

>Okay; I have read the article, after seeing the above post, but...

>When I visited the wine web site, to try to find how easy it would be, 
>to install and use it on UbuntuMATE 20.10, the install procedure appears 
>to be quite complicated, and, too risky (it requires 32 bit libraries, 
>that apparently conflict with the Ubuntu 64 bit libraries, or 
>something), and, it appears to be not available as a downloadable and 
>installable package for 20.10.

I cant speak for UbuntuMaté 20.10, but I have Wine (7.7 or later) running om 
Ubuntu 16.04, 18.04, 19.10, 20.04 and 21.10, it is also running 7.7 on 22.04 
but as I have mentioned I cant seem to update that one, my update script seems 
to be working on all the earlier LTS releases, I probably wont try update 
further on 19.10 or 21.10 (yes I know 19.10 is EOL, it's on an older Lappy that 
I don't use often and will update to 20.04)

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