WINE - was - Re: Budget-priced Windows license

Bret Busby bret at
Tue May 24 10:49:00 UTC 2022

On 24/5/22 5:30 pm, Liam Proven wrote:
> On Mon, 23 May 2022 at 15:34, Little Girl <littlergirl at> wrote:
>> It was ratings like those that convinced me to stop using Wine.
> It is a *lot* better than it used to be.
> Which is why I wrote that article, in fact.

Okay; I have read the article, after seeing the above post, but...

When I visited the wine web site, to try to find how easy it would be, 
to install and use it on UbuntuMATE 20.10, the install procedure appears 
to be quite complicated, and, too risky (it requires 32 bit libraries, 
that apparently conflict with the Ubuntu 64 bit libraries, or 
something), and, it appears to be not available as a downloadable and 
installable package for 20.10.

Synaptic shows the available version of wine, for 20.10, to be v5.0 and,

Mon May 23 21:57:13 bret at bret-MD34045-2521:~$apt find wine
E: Invalid operation find
Tue May 24 18:32:30 bret at bret-MD34045-2521:~$apt-get find wine
E: Invalid operation find

I had believed that the above two commands, were the correct syntax.

And, at

9.0	Legacy Family Tree 9.0 Deluxe	Garbage	5.4	2	0
9.0 Standard Edition	Latest build Version, 12 July 2021, 
complete revision history:	Silver	7.0	2	0

If I run an upgrade (not a version upgrade to upgrade to the latest 
version) on 20.10, the backports repository no longer works, so, whilst 
I can upgrade packages outside the Ubuntu repositories, such as Skype 
and Seamonkey, I cannot, apparently, access the latest version of wine, 
as an easily installable (and, upgradable) .deb package, using the easy 
to use package managers, instead, apparently, requiring a bit of butchery.

And, while 20.10, for the moment, like 16.04, my preferred version, 
seems to be running okay, I found the versions later than 20.10, to be 
too problematic.

So, if wine would be available, in its ongoing latest stable release 
version, as an easily installable and upgradable .deb package, that 
could be installed independent of the Ubuntu distribution version 
number, like Skype and Seamonkey, it would be a bit more accessible.

And, if the Applications Database part of the WineHQ web site, had more 
understandable and objective ratings, for the usability wrt MS Windows 
applications, the usability of wine, would be improved.

Bret Busby
West Australia

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