Budget-priced Windows license

Little Girl littlergirl at gmail.com
Mon May 23 13:32:55 UTC 2022

Hey there,

Bret Busby wrote:

>What specifically, I am wondering about, is this;

It was ratings like those that convinced me to stop using Wine.

Wine can be wonderful, but it can also be such a pain to set up.
Even if you get it working, anything can change at any time and then
you're at the mercy of either your ability to figure out what to do
about it or of your ability to implement what someone else has figured
out to do about it (if anything). Sometimes, no suitable solution
exists and you either get to limp along in a non-ideal environment or
cannot use a particular program at all, possibly permanently.

As a solution, I bought an internal drive-selector switch, bought a
separate drive, installed both of those in my computer, put (a
properly-licensed version of) Windows onto the new drive, and now
install programs like that one above into the environment they were
intended to be in. No more wrestling with Wine.

Also, the drive-selector switch makes it so that my Kubuntu and
Windows installations aren't aware of each other and cannot run at
the same time, which I consider to be even more secure than putting
Windows inside of a VM on the Kubuntu machine. Switching back and
forth between the two is quick and painless and can be done by
pressing one button before booting so that your system knows which
drive to use.

Another added bonus is that if problems arise with the software that
you're running, the developers will most likely get to work on
figuring those out (since they're motivated to make sure their stuff
runs on Windows), which, as you've seen, isn't always the case with
programs running under Wine.

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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