Budget-priced Windows license

Bret Busby bret at busby.net
Mon May 23 12:49:48 UTC 2022

On 23/5/22 8:21 pm, Robert Heller wrote:
> At Mon, 23 May 2022 20:06:30 +0800 "Ubuntu user technical support,? not for general discussions" <ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com> wrote:
>> On 23/5/22 7:55 pm, Liam Proven wrote:
>> <snip>
>>> Personally for testing and occasional ad-hoc use, I use Win10
>>> unregistered.
>>> My own home machines use their firmware-embedded licences, be those Win7 or 10.
>>> [3] If I were advocating piracy, which I am not, I would point out
>>> easier, but cumbersome, ways to obtain illegitimate Win10 licences
>>> free of charge.
>> One thing that I am wondering, in this context, given that Ralf posted
>> that (I believe that this is correct) he is using MS Windows in a
>> virtual machine, running on top of Linux, is it better to run MS Windows
>> in a virtual machine, on top of Linux, or, to run wine, in order to run
>> applications that only run on MS Windows, on Linux?
> It depends.  *Some* MS-Windows apps run just fine under WINE, but lots don't
> (mostly ones that "cheat" in various ways or are making use of exotic features
> or something else).
> Running MS Windows in a VM, partitularly a sandboxed VM is going to be
> implicitly more secure than  MS Windows on the "bare metal".  With modern
> processors, the performance penalty of a VM is going to be minimual.  One
> *probably* is not going to want to run something with heavy video demands that
> way (VR Games?), but somehow I doubt that is what is going on.

What specifically, I am wondering about, is this;


is this;
"Legacy runs on Linux machines with a Windows emulator like VMWare or 
Sun's Virtual Box." which is not helpful.

On the wine web page, the difference between the kind of successful 
results (I assume that the different colour grades of success, apart 
from the garbage grade, indicate kind of successes, of degrees varying 
by colour, but, the distinctions are not explained), are obscure, and 
the assessments appear to be subjective, according to the temporal mood 
of the submitter of the assessment, and, the garbage one at the bottom, 
hides a silver grade assessment, so, the assessments appear arbitrary 
and more subjective than objective.

Oh, and, I am aware of gramps, and, have used it, off and on, for a 
decade or so, but, used Legacy, before it, when I still used MS Windows.

Unfortunately, despite having repeatedly raised the question of the 
application being ported to Linux, over the years, the response has 
persistently been "We have no plans to port it to Linux", and, the 
company having been taken over, has not changed that policy.

Bret Busby
West Australia

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