Latest update kills my laptop video

MR ZenWiz mrzenwiz at
Mon May 23 01:09:41 UTC 2022

On Sun, May 22, 2022 at 9:38 AM Little Girl <littlergirl at> wrote:
> You can fill out the top section on this page to find out what the
> current driver for your card is:
Did that, downloaded it. The version s nothing like what Xubuntu
showed the unit as having (418 -new - vs 390 - last install - vs 340 -
standard install, I think).  It refused to install - problems with
building the driver, linking it with dkms and it didn't like the final
output enough to allow me to install it. Yes, I know to run it in
single-user mode so it will actually function from the NVIDIA driver
installer file. I remembered that much.

> I use Kubuntu, so things are likely done differently, but I would
> imagine the Driver Manager would offer you a choice. It sounds like
> you're not being offered one, though, so hopefully others will chime
> in with how to get past that.
I tried that, too. It's called Additional Drivers, and it was no help.
It shows me there are drivers installed, but it won't let me change
which one to use.

I gave up. I backed up the paltry 1.5Gb of files there, reinstalled
Xubuntu 20.04 from my flash drive, ran all the updates, restored all
th files, and everything is working fine - right resolution, right
monitors, and zoom 5.10 even works.

It was an hour and a half of pain, but all is now well and I'm happier.



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