*Ubuntu computer needed today in NL.

Bastiaan Gijsbertus Roufs basroufs at gmail.com
Sat May 21 14:22:41 UTC 2022

Update Sun. 15/5/22, 12.00 CEST.
Thanks for all who want to help.

A  good solution is in the pipeline.

I keep you updated here.


Op za 14 mei 2022 21:31 schreef Bob <accessys at smart.net>:

    wish I were a little closer, like maybe 8,000km, let us know how you
    solved it, I am just preparing to do something similar to my computer


    On Sat, 14 May 2022, Bas G. Roufs wrote:

     > *Ubuntu computer needed today in NL.
     > *Ubuntu computer needed today in The Netherlands, Sat. 14/5/22.
     > Nederlands: zie onder.
     > The past few days, I did some big maintenance at my laptop. I
    upgraded the system
     > from Kubuntu 20.04 LTS to Kubuntu 22.04. Simultaneously, I have
    been  making some
     > backups via 'Timeshift'.
     > After finishing both jobs, I did a fresh install of Kubuntu. So
    far, so good.
     > However, something went wrong when I tried to restore the backup
    I made. That's why,
     > I just get a black screen with a blinkering cursor.
     > If I can lend somewhere in NL some *Ubuntu laptop or PC and use
    an internet
     > connection, I can fix the problem. I would like to do so today,
    if possible.
     > Tijdens het grote onderhoud aan m'n laptop ging er iets fout bij
    het terugzetten van
     > een backup. Kan ik vandaag in NL een laptop lenen met *Ubuntu?
    Dan kan ik het
     > probleem oplossen.
     > Dank, thanks,
     > Bas.
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