locate can't find files?

Karl Auer kauer at biplane.com.au
Sat May 14 03:56:24 UTC 2022

On Fri, 2022-05-13 at 20:16 -0700, MR ZenWiz wrote:
> Still stumped.

I wasn't suggesting any of those reasons were THE reason for your
difficulty, just that they were the possibilities I knew of. I don't
know if plocate works the same way as mlocate/locate, but if you can
force a database update, I would. Seems you already have.

Try creating a new file in your home directory that matches the pattern
you seek. Update the database, and see if the new file is found.

Then create another new file that matches the pattern you seek, but
create it in the /htera directory. Update the database and see if the
new file is found.

That will tell you whether the actual location of the file is playing a

Then copy (cp -a) one of the files that is NOT being found into your
home directory, update the database, and see if it now gets found. If
it does NOT then it is something about that file specifically. If it
DOES get found, then again - it is something about the original

None of this solves the problem, but it might give you some clues.

When you figure it out, do tell us so I can add an eighth item to my
little list :-)

Regards, K.

PS: Does plocate have any configurable parameters, a config file or
suchlike? Maybe in /etc/default? Could it have been configured not to
look in /htera?

Karl Auer (kauer at biplane.com.au)

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