How to remove things from the task bar

Bob ubuntu-qygzanxc at
Sun May 1 19:40:46 UTC 2022

** Reply to message from Oliver Grawert <ogra at> on Sun, 01 May 2022
19:13:28 +0200

> hi,
> Am Sonntag, dem 01.05.2022 um 11:48 -0700 schrieb Bob:
> > Sorry that went out before I finished it.
> > 
> > The last few updates have added items to the task bar that I do not
> > want there.
> if you talk about 22.04 here, look in the system settings, there is
> some "advanced options" thing in the dock section of the appearance
> settings where you can disable trash and disks on teh panel.

Thanks I found it.  Settings -> Appearence -> 'Configure dock behavior'.

> ciao
> 	oli

Robert Blair

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