How to remove things from the task bar

Bret Busby bret at
Sun May 1 17:22:12 UTC 2022

On 2/5/22 2:48 am, Bob wrote:
> Sorry that went out before I finished it.
> The last few updates have added items to the task bar that I do not want there.
> One is the 'trash' and the other is 'mount' for another partition.  There is no
> "Remove from Favorites' selection so how do I remove them?  I want the 'trash'
> on the desktop not the task bar and I do not want the 'mount' on the task bar
> or the desktop.

What version of Ubuntu, are you using?

On UbuntuMATE 20.10, I right clicked (non-dominant mouse button) on the 
trash can icon in the taskbar, and it brought up a menu, in which the 
"Remove from panel" was greyed out, so, I unchecked the "Lock to panel" 
option, then the "Remove from panel" option was available for use.

Bret Busby
West Australia

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