Telelgram updates

Little Girl littlergirl at
Thu Jun 23 18:35:12 UTC 2022

Hey there,

Aaron Rainbolt wrote:
>Wade Smart wrote:

>> For the past three days Ive been getting a notice on my desktop
>> screen: Pending update of "telegram-desktop". Close the app to
>> avoid disruptions (12 days left)   Ive restarted the app, had to
>> restart my computer after some OS updates, still this comes up
>> immediately. Are others getting this message too?

>Try opening a terminal and running "sudo snap refresh
>telegram-desktop". For some reason Snap auto-updates don't come
>through automatically very well (in my experience, anyway). The above
>command will manually update the snap. You will be asked for a
>password, type your password and press Enter when prompted.

I thought I'd add that Telegram should not be running when you do the
refresh. I get yelled at by the refresh process if I try to refresh
the Firefox Snap while Firefox is open.

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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