How do I 'do-release-upgrade' now 21.10 is (just) out of support?

Ian Bruntlett ian.bruntlett at
Tue Jul 26 12:38:59 UTC 2022

Hi Chris,

On Tue, 26 Jul 2022 at 13:19, Chris Green <cl at> wrote:

> I'm sure I've not hit this problem before but when I try
> 'do-release-upgrade' on my [x]ubuntu 21.10 system it says:-
>     root at t470# do-release-upgrade
>     Checking for a new Ubuntu release
>     Your Ubuntu release is not supported anymore.
>     For upgrade information, please visit:
>     Please install all available updates for your release before upgrading.
> It's only 4 months since 22.04 was released, it feels like there's
> very little overlap between releases.

Well, 21.10 is a Short Term Release but this is a conversation you need to
have with people from Canonical.

However, I had a 21.10 system (T500 ThinkPad) I was using for one
development project. I dusted it down last Monday to work on a different
project and discovered that it was End Of Life by one day. So I ran the GUI
Software Updater program ( pressed ALT+F2 and typed in update-manager ),
installed 387MB of updates. Then I ran Software Updater again and there was
a button to press to perform the upgrade to 22.04 which brought in over 1GB
of dependencies for me and it all worked.



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