Questions about Linux Mint and this list

Peter Flynn peter at
Sun Jul 24 20:10:26 UTC 2022

On 24/07/2022 15:14, Little Girl wrote:
> It was in the incorrect URL I had previously given you. After
> actually reading the ReportingBugs page (out of morbid curiosity), it
> turns out that this is the correct URL for manually filing bug
> reports:

Thank you very much. Bookmarked now :-)

> If you've got the power to make the edit, you could add it.
> Otherwise, that would be a great suggestion to give to the bug team.
> There's a section in that ReportingBugs page on how to work with
> apport offline:

But it's not a bug in apport, though: it's a failure of the email 
response script that emails the submitter explaining the next step. 
Someone need to rewrite the text to make it clearer for beginners.

> Good. Then the final step is to look on the bug report page to make
> sure you're signed up to receive emails when it's updated or when
> others contribute to the report.

Once it's in the system I don't need to see it or do anything: I'm happy 
that they will decide either to fix it or mark it CANTFIX or WONTFIX.


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