Questions about Linux Mint and this list

Bret Busby bret at
Mon Jul 18 20:22:01 UTC 2022

On 19/7/22 3:31 am, Colin Law wrote:
> On Mon, 18 Jul 2022 at 17:40, Aaron Rainbolt <arraybolt3 at> wrote:
>> Sadly, while Linux Mint is an Ubuntu derivative, it is an *unofficial*
>> Ubuntu derivative. Which means it isn't supported by any official
>> Ubuntu support services, this mailing list included.
> However, there is no 'official' support provided by this list.  Most
> here will not mind you asking for help with Mint, as often the issue
> may not be Mint specific.  However, for complex issues, such as those
> related to installation, the problem may be Mint specific, in which
> case we probably can't help much. 

  Have you explored the various
> official Ubuntu flavours, to see if one of those is more to your
> liking?  Possibly Mate or Xubuntu.
> Colin

I have been using UbuntuMATE since about 2014, when I managed to get my 
i7 laptop with nVIDIA Optimus working for the first time (18 months 
after buying it), when I found that Ubuntu Linux was the only non-MS 
operating system that supported the hardware, and, MS Windows 8 was 
designed to be too difficult to use, and, UbuntuMATE has the MATE 
interface, which is like gnome 2.

Since then, like Debian, and, gnome, Ubuntu Linux has changed 
considerably, which is why I have stuck with older versions, with my 
preferred version, being 16.04.

Linux Mint, in its three interfaces, includes a MATE version, and, from 
what I understand, Linux Mint does not have some of the unliked things 
in recent Ubuntu Linux.

So, I am wanting to "have a look at" Linux Mint, and, my wife favours it 
as a prospective Linux OS - the last version of Ubuntu that she used, is 
12.04 (the first one that I used, when I got my i7 laptop going), that 
she had installed on a Dell XPS 15, that does not have the resources to 
run Ubuntu 2x.xx.

Bret Busby
West Australia

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