Ugrade abortion

Liam Proven lproven at
Wed Jan 19 23:11:55 UTC 2022

On Wed, 19 Jan 2022 at 21:47, Bret Busby <bret.busby at> wrote:
> I have downloaded the ubuntumate 21.10 iso and written it to a usb
> drive, and booted it.
> It is unusable.
> It has no panel or taskbar or menu's. I can get a terminal window and
> that is all.
> In doing ls, it shows ubiquity and desktop, in illegible colouring
> (what brightspark imposed green on white?)

Sounds like it is having graphics driver problems to me.

Do you have another working spare PC? Try Ventoy. It lets you make a
multiboot key by just copying ISOs to it. It's very easy and

I'd suggest sticking a few ISOs on it.

Lubuntu or Xubuntu for very low-end, no 3D usage at all.

And maybe vanilla Ubuntu with GNOME, which is the most-tested flavour.

> Running df -h shows it has a cow in it.

Can't work that out at all.

COW as in Copy On Write? Is the drive ZFS?

Liam Proven ~ Profile:
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