Issue with external hard disk drives > 2 TiB

Karl Auer kauer at
Sun Feb 27 04:52:00 UTC 2022

On Sun, 2022-02-27 at 05:26 +0100, Ralf Mardorf via ubuntu-users wrote:
> What enclosures do you use?

The last ones I bought without drives were Astone, but Astone
enclosures have had the problem - one that I bought couldn't handle it
when I swapped a 3TB drive in, but it was happy with 1TB (that was few
years ago now).

These days, I buy an enclosure with a drive in it (WD for preference,
have bought some Seagates) that is as big or bigger than I need. Then I
use it as is, or swap my drive into it and use the original as a spare
or drop it into a NAS as a RAID element. They also come in handy for
refurbishing old systems I inherit from time to time, because I just
destroy the disks in those (it's not worth the time to sanitise them).

Never had a problem since I started doing this, but it does have the
effect that my enclosures are a pretty motley crew :-)

For Oz residents: I have never, ever had a problem with the
drives+enclosures sold by Australia Post (Seagate and Western Digital).
I've probably bought a couple of dozen for my own use or for clients,
and I absolutely recommend them. They are well-priced, Australia Post
is very easy to deal with on guarantee issues, and in my experience
these drives have a more-than-reasonable lifetime. I have never gotten
less than three years out of one, which is pretty fair the way I thrash

PS: The above all relates to hard drives - "spinning rust", not e.g.

Karl Auer (kauer at

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