Is it possible to remotely force a reboot on Ubuntu 20.04.3?

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at
Mon Feb 21 14:44:21 UTC 2022

This morning my remote LAN suffered a power outage for an hour or so.
Then it was powered up and all loked nice and dandy again, I could access the
devices via the VPN LAN-LAN connection and I had VNC connection to my Ubuntu
20.04.3 machine there as well.

So I could execute a number of speedtests on the command line and also via VNC
and Firefox in graphic mode to gather data for the complaint I have to the ISP
about slow uploads.

But then when I was no longer connected by VNC and was having lunch I heard a
"plong" from the study, which indicated that the PuTTY session to the Ubuntu
machine had gone down...

But it was no power issue this time because I can still reach the other devices
over there and I can ping the Ubuntu machine.
But when I try PuTTY to connect to it it disconnects immediately!

Same if I try an SSH login to the Ubuntu machine from a Raspberry Pi4 device

So the Ubuntu machine is running.
But it disconnects SSH connections instantly.
And it does not allow VNC access anymore.

So it seems like it is in real need of a restart...

But is it possible to force such when the situation is as described?

The system is 100 km away and there is a snow storm at the moment.

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

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