Slightly OT? WiFi problems

Jim Byrnes jf_byrnes at
Thu Feb 10 17:08:51 UTC 2022

On 2/9/22 12:15, MR ZenWiz wrote:

> Yesterday it occurred to me that it might be the wifi receiver in the
> laptop that was not properly aligned.  I rotated the laptop about 45
> degrees to the right - not luck.  I rotated it back and another 45
> degrees to the left, and Xubuntu (bless its workings) immediately
> picked it up and connected automatically.  We decided to est it out
> and watch an episode of Reacher on Amazon Prime, a gritty, compelling,
> well-acted, well-written series that is just fantastic), it started
> up.  Then it went into circle mode and a notice even came up from the
> system that the connection was unatable and would be usable to stream
> the video.

Hey I'm a Reacher fan too, both the books and the series. Good news, 
just read yesterday there will be a second season.

Regards,  Jim

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