Software Centre?

Aaron Rainbolt arraybolt3 at
Tue Dec 27 05:00:47 UTC 2022

On 12/26/22 22:09, Owen Thomas wrote:
> When I enter "in" into the search bar of the Ubuntu Software Centre to 
> search for IntelliJ, I get what you'll find attached to this email.
> Why am I getting nothing from the software centre?

Ubuntu Software sometimes just takes a long time to load. The search 
also has been somewhat glitchy in my experience. You might be able to 
type a longer search term in and get it to work.

Personally, I install applications from the terminal - that's usually 
the most comfortable for me. A quick `snap search intellij` popped up 
the app you probably want, intellij-idea-community. `sudo snap install 
intellij-idea-community` should install it.

Aaron Rainbolt
Lubuntu Developer on Matrix, arraybolt3 on

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