How the **** Do I Use a Mailing List?

Ralf Mardorf kde.lists at
Thu Dec 22 19:38:40 UTC 2022

On Thu, 2022-12-22 at 13:06 -0600, Neil Clack wrote:
> That's actually really neat and useful to know, thank you!
> I have, however, now turned digest off and have everything sorted out 
> and learnt lol.

We are living in the age of the .

When I was a child the transistor already existed. At least one
subscriber of this mailing list was a child, before the transistor
existed. However, even I'm not young enough to suffer from the fear of
missing out.

I suspect that not many people like digest, either for the old reasons,
the tendencies of broken subjects and threads or the new reason, the
fear of missing out.

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