Plasma update?

Bret Busby bret at
Tue Dec 20 20:16:15 UTC 2022

On 21/12/2022 04:11, Bret Busby wrote:
> On 21/12/2022 03:14, rikona wrote:
>> On Tue, 20 Dec 2022 14:04:48 +0100
>> Liam Proven <lproven at> wrote:
>>> On Tue, 20 Dec 2022 at 05:00, rikona <rikona at> wrote:
>>>> As I said in my original email, this was a POPUP WINDOW with the
>>>> following, between the "s, in the POPUP WINDOW:
>>> That doesn't really answer the question, but if you don't know what
>>> program it was, that is OK. Don't obsess over it.
>> The window popped up by itself, not by anything I did, so I had no idea
>> why it was there. I could close it, but in a while it would pop up
>> again. Reminded me of the snap popup behavior I saw earlier. Is there a
>> way I could tell what program caused it?
>> Interestingly, after I DID click on 'update', which was a complete
>> failure, the popup has not come back. So it looks like SOME pgm thinks
>> I actually DID an update. :-)
>> <snip>
>>> Kubuntu is an OS. It's one thing.
>>> You seem to think it's 2 things: that it's one thing, Ubuntu, wedged
>>> in with another thing, KDE. It's not. It's a whole.
>>> Even if you installed ordinary GNOME Ubuntu and then installed KDE,
>>> it's still a whole. All software that comes from the Ubuntu
>>> repositories is part of Ubuntu. It's one integral unit.
>>> When you update it, you update all of it, in one go.
>> OK - I finally get it. Thanks. Part of the confusion was the large
>> number of 'failure' descriptions I saw on the net, where the fix was a
>> complete reinstall. Or, install Ubuntu and then add the KDE desktop.
>> <snip a great food-based description> :-)
>>> But the KDE bit goes bad faster than the text-only bits and you need
>>> to use that up and replace it.
>> Need to do it soon before the milk becomes buttermilk. :-))
>>> If you have Kubuntu and you update Kubuntu you update *all of
>>> Kubuntu*.
>> OK - I'm assuming it does not update other software, such as Pale 
>> Moon, Claws mail, etc.
> You should have the repository for Pale Moon, in your
> /etc/apt/sources.list
> (that should have been done, when you installed it)


Bret Busby
West Australia

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