Flash drive not automounting today

MR ZenWiz mrzenwiz at gmail.com
Mon Dec 12 19:58:03 UTC 2022

I'm running Xubuntu 22.04.1 fully updated. I have not rebooted in a few days.

I use a flash drive every day for certain specific storage purposes.
This morning, when I plugged in the drive, it did not automount.

I tried three different USB ports, and I verified several ways that
the drive was recognized - lsusb, my Windows VM, dmesg and usb-device
- they all could see the drive, it just did not automount at all.

I was able to mount it manually with pmount, but this is absurd.

I also checked the Removable Drives and Media setting - all fine. I
tried another flash drive and it also does not mount automatically.
Pmount worked for that too.

Neither one could be ejected - I had to run pumount.




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