How to disable all "keyboard shortcuts"

Little Girl littlergirl at
Sun Aug 14 16:55:32 UTC 2022

Hey there,

Ralf Mardorf via ubuntu-users wrote:
>Little Girl wrote:

>> Also, I don't know about everybody else, but I get awfully nervous
>> any time a program allows me to come up with my own
>> key-combinations for things.

>your fear is partly based on a misconception. If you focus a window
>of an averaged GUI editor pushing Ctrl+A is for "select all", if you
>focus the window of a terminal emulation Ctrl+A is for readline's
>"move to the start of the line". There is no pitfall related to
>damaging something by overwriting a shortcut, but a pitfall related
>to confusion by overriding a shortcut. IOW the same shortcut can and
>usually has got different functions depending on the focus.
>Shortcuts are usually not as global as some users might think.

That's a relief. Thanks. I'll go ahead and add some shortcuts to some
of my programs after all now.

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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