How to disable all "keyboard shortcuts"

Ralf Mardorf kde.lists at
Sat Aug 13 15:55:18 UTC 2022

One thing I do fear is a BSD or Linux in rescue mode and the only
available editor is either vi/m or emacs. It's unlikely emacs, but not
that unlikely that only vi/m is available. The language of the connected
keyboard is DE. So there would be the need to struggle with the freakish
vi/m or emacs shortcuts and to find all the required US keyboard chars
on the DE keyboard. Fortunately nowadays nano is an editor that gets
installed by default, too, while the default EDITOR still remains vi/m.
It's also tricky to set the EDITOR globally. Often people confuse
environment variables with a global variable. It's tricky since usually
PAM is involved.

I react without understanding, if people are against making nano the
default rescue editor. For using nano only two shortcuts are required.
Ctrl+O (O not 0, the default font should not cause confusion) to save
(write "O"ut) and Ctrl+X to e"X"it. It still doesn't fulfil the
requirements for a glass cockpit, but it's way closer to it than vi/m
and emacs ever could be.

Just imagine a plane in emergency and there would be the need to pilot
the plane by a vi/m or emacs alike user interface.

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