SuperTuxKart certificate fix ("SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK")

Keith keith at
Fri Aug 5 14:13:32 UTC 2022

On 8/5/22 2:43 AM, Karl Auer wrote:
> Hullo all.
> Dunno if anyone else is playing SuperTuxKart on 20.04LTS - I'm an STK
> tragic myself.
> I have been annoyed for a long time by a scrolling message saying "SSL
> peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK" and being unable to
> download add-ons like new tracks and karts. I finally went looking for
> a solution and the Internet delivered. Found a patch from one jhonny-
> oliviera, posted at
> If you are still running 20.04 and have been also unable to download
> add-ons or see the latest news, here's the fix.
> Stop SupertuxKart
> Go download this patch file:
> Rename the downloaded file to x.patch :-)
> Take a protective copy of /usr/share/games/supertuxkart/data/cacert.pem
> somewhere
> Change directory to /usr/share/games/supertuxkart/data
> sudo patch < /path/to/x.patch
> Run SuperTuxKart. Everything should work. If it doesn't, copy the old
> cacert.pem file back.
> Regards, K.

I'd recommend upgrading to the 1.3 version either directly from the 
SuperTuxKart website or thru the snap store. It has some noticeable 
performance and graphics improvements over the 1.1 version in the Ubuntu 
universe archive, plus its ssl cert is up-to-date.

If you decide to upgrade to version 1.3 directly from the SuperTuxKart 
site, you probably will want to backup version 1.1 stk's config 
directory in ~/.config and in ~/.local/share before running 1.3 as, 
IIRC, some changes are made that aren't necessarily backwards compatible 
in case you want to stick with 1.1.


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