Is it a good idea to install 21.04 of a Thinkpad T420?

Phil phillor9 at
Tue Sep 28 23:24:32 UTC 2021

On 28/9/21 9:51 pm, Liam Proven wrote:
> On Tue, 28 Sept 2021 at 10:01, Phil <phillor9 at> wrote:
>> My previous thread dealt with a heat problem cause by an extremely slow
>> Internet connection.
> That's a leap for which we never established a causal connection.
> I do not think the speed of the Internet connection _caused_ the overheating.
It is definitely the cause. The heat generated by a poor Internet 
connection drops immediately I deactivate the connection.
> More likely is that the fans in a decade-old laptop are getting
> clogged up with dust.

I have the manual and I have cleaned the insides a couple of times over 
the years.

> So, do a side-by-side install.
Good idea. I had a good connection last night and managed to download 
565Mb of the file before the connection died after about 90 minutes. 
I've moved my laptop closer to a nearby signal booster but I won't be 
surprised if I don't download the entire file again.
> Are you booting in UEFI or MBR mode?

I don't know, how can I tell? I just do little more than press the 
install button and off it goes.

> I haven't, but I can probably give it a try...

If you do then please let me know what the result is.



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